Saturday, October 18, 2008


The 4th season of the most awaited reality show "Indian Idol" has started with a must tougher lineup this time. As compared to the previous one, this time competition is going to be a very severe one with everyone from the start has been putting in all his/her efforts. It seems that they have learnt a lot from the previous seasons as the song selection is much better this time. It seems that the judges will have a really tough time this season in deciding about who is gonna be among the top two. However, here is my prediction! Yes! From the previous season's experience when the much more experienced and versatile Amit Paul and Emon Chatterjee could not make it to the top because of our 'policewala' Prashant Tamang who despite all his weaknesses had the support of the entire police force behind him.

In my personal opinion, Amit Paul should have been the ultimate choice as he has such a great melodious voice with such a great projection and throw and good understanding of notes and octaves. It will really be a bad luck if he does not rise from among the runner ups as unfortunately he does not have any large sponsors on his back at this time. Emon was also such a great voice as was Chang, and Ankita. They were all much more stronger than Prashant. On the other hand, Prashant has uptil now failed to make his mark.

This year, we have so many good singers in the competition, like Ananya Mishra, Rajdeep Chatterjee, Sourabhee, Tullika Ganguly, Bhanu Pratap, Sandeep Ubale, and the very cute teddy carrying Sunaikshi Raina. Among them Bhanu Pratap is a veteran of 4 auditions out of which the previous three were unsuccessful but this time he has made into the top 30 contestants who will now run the show. But then we have "Kapil Thapa" our Fauji Bhai ( as written on his profile on the official Indian Idol site ) who will have the entire armed forces behind his back. In such a biased situation, Kapil will always have this advantage behind him, and Ananya, Rajdeep, Sourabhee, Tullika, Bhanu, Sandeep and Sunaikshi ( picture above) will have to put in all of their effort plus lots of extra effort to survive this onslaught. I wish that the armed forces personnel in India will also be very sensible in making their selection on the basis of merit rather than affiliation so that we can get a really really competitive winner at the end. So lets keep our fingers crossed and see that will my prediction come true or the very sensible Indian people who have a great understanding of music will make a just decision in selecting the Indian Idol. Sphere: Related Content

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