Wednesday, October 15, 2008
These days, i get laughing fits all the time when i turn on these talk shows on TV in which different politicians and other people, who have no sense of the subject matter and concepts of economics, talk about economic indicators, economic problems, the state of economy of Pakistan and other such topics. I just wonder that how can someone be so stupid to come on
the Pakistani TV (that used to be national once and now is international) and talk about something they don't even have the slightest idea about. I wish i can call Professor Samuelson (of Newsweek and Washington Post) and Allan Greenspan to share the couch with me in front of the TV and watch these so_called_economists talk about what is happening with the economy of Pakistan. That day i heard a gentleman ( I won't take his name by the way, not that i am afraid, but i don't want him to get embaressed; afterall he is a gentleman ) talk about the world economic recession and then he quickly put all the blame of the current economic crisis of Pakistan on the global economic problem. These amateur economists remind me of a quack in our village who had once been an assistant to a doctor and then started his own practice in our village with a fake photocopy of his masters Medical degree in his clinic. How he used to talk about the diseases and ailments of his patients is what these so called economic_analysts are doing. Economics is not just a subject, it is sheer romance. Unless you have a romantic affiliation with this subject, you will be just like the above mentioned quack. When now I remember Adam Smith, Marshells, Robins, Keynes and then Samuelson, i realize that it was really the love of the subject that helped evolve our society into this modern form. I wish that our honourable quack-economist-politicians/civilians/servicemen should first develop this love and then talk about economics in Pakistan.
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