Monday, October 13, 2008

Where izzzz Osama ???????????

Ever since the tragic incident of 9/11 happened, i am growing sick now about the hunt for Osama. I wish so much that he has died in some bombing so that this hunt stops. I agree that whatever he did was really inhuman and very sad, an act most disliked by Allah, but who will tell this to the poor innocent brainwashed tribals who think of him as their hero and will continue to fight the Americans at the Pak-Afghan border. So many innocent people are losing their lives because of this stupidity of theirs. And to top up all this, comes our esteemed government, which has no clue of what to do to prevent the cross-border American attacks from stopping. And i wish that was enough but we have our superman Barack Obama, who wants to attack Pakistan as soon as he assumes his office ( which i really wish he does ). Actually no one is trying to understand the psyche of the Afghans and the Pakistani tribal people. These people have centuries old traditions behind them, especially when it comes to protecting a guest against any danger. Some one has to stop killing these people, win their favours and then persuade them in a positive way that terrorism is against the spirit of Islam, and that terrorists, suicide-bombers will never ever ever be admitted into Heaven. I wish Barack Obama instead of talking about attacks on Pakistan, talks about helping Pakistan in the field of education, especially for the people of the rural tribal areas, so that the mindsets of these people can be changed. Afterall, Pakistan has been a frontline allie with the US, and has supported the US in all ways against the war against terrorism, be it Iraq or Afghanistan. With a long list of very experienced statesmen with Barack Obama, i am sure that he can come up with a rural uplifting plan that will on one hand stop all this bloodshed, and on the other hand win him the support of people from all walks of life. However, this is maybe a wild wish of mine, anyhow lets keep our fingers crossed and wait what fate has in store for us. Sphere: Related Content

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