Sunday, November 9, 2008

Realizing Responsibilities !!!

This is a continuity of my previous blog.
It is about something that bothers me so much, i.e realizing one's responsibilities. Here in Pakistan, we all never realize what our responsibilities are. We just wait that some other person may come forward and do what we are supposed to do. As a result, there are so many obligations that have to be fulfilled but remain pending while very few are willing to fulfill them. Just think about cleaning inside and around our homes. Had everyone just realized this and did his/her job, then we would have been living in a much cleaner place as compared to this junk yard where we all are living now. You go to any corner of Karachi, and you will find huge garbage dumps and piles. I sometimes wonder that we are all the time talking about recessions and financial crisis but we on the other hand are perhaps one of the largest producers of garbage dumps in the world. Another interesting fact about this garbage dumping is the swooshing shoppers full of garbage that sometimes are seen just flying over from inside of houses toward the streets where sometime some unlucky wanderer or a unfortunate vehicle becomes the prey.
Now talk about electricity crisis. Ok, i admit that the government has been very lazy regarding production of additional Megawatts but what about us ? Did we realize that we have to conserve, so that others won't suffer ? No Sir ! No way !!! When we are paying the bills then we have the right to use as much electricity as we want to. One AC for the parents, one for the silly son, one for the bubbly daughter, one for the chinese chef ( who had at the time of employment asked for an AC in the kitchen ), and don't forget the Doberman, it also has its own 1/2 ton LG for its kennel. Afterall, we can afford it na !!! Just think for a moment about the poor old retired postman who lives with his wife and daughter in a poor locality and has just a fan and a bulb in the house, but due to the lavishness of the rich, he does not get more chance to turn them on for more than 6 or maybe 8 hours a day, thanks to the loadshedding. If the rich can conserve electricity, it will decrease the load thus reducing the loadshedding and thus allowing the poor and the less fortunate people in the society to get some relief from the fan in the scorching summers. But who cares !!!
Water ! wow, how much we love to play with it, just give someone a hose with running water and he will comeup with a hell of a lots of water tricks, except that he will never realize that there are so so many people who are without water for so many days, and for whom this falling water on the ground is " l'eau de vie ".
People wake upppppp! Jagoooooooooooo, how much i love that ad from Tata tea about election. So wake up people and save this nation before it get late and out of control. Sphere: Related Content

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