Well, imagine what an interesting topic i have right now in my mind, but it happens that i have been giving private tuition for the last 18 years along with my academic life and have also taught in a school for 4 years, thus i feel qualified enough to talk about the time, when i was a kid and today. In my days, kids normally had an ideal ahead of them whom they used to follow. Everyone had an ambition in life and that ambition was the talk of the day, all the time, because no one wanted to lose his/her vision. As there were very few TV Channels, Radio Stations and Computer/TV games, kids usually played outside, or at home and had lots of time to sit with their family and interact with them. This helped them in learning family values, socialization, and strengthened the bond between the siblings. It also increased their confidence as they were able to talk about everyday matters no matter

Now lets take a look at today's kids. They are all the time busy with their cells, PS2s or Computers. They get much lesser time for picnics, sports, family gatherings, and their socialization is also limited to just their circle of friends, due to which they have very little tolerance for the society. The violent media of today has transformed them from innocent kids into time bombs who can explode at any time if not dealt with carefully by their parents, friends or the society. I am not saying that computers are bad, or PS2 has got just negative points in use, however, there should be a balance in life, don't just sit in front of the TV or the Stereo, give time to your family, your studies, fitness or sports. They should be tolerant towards society, take more interest in social work and restrict TV watching to a minimum. Books should be more in as well as letter writing between friends to promote literary advancement. Thus they will be able to maintain a balance between academic, social and family life. Sphere: Related Content
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